
Microsoft Internship

Proposed the solutions on how to leverage the same features seamlessly across

each platform using different interaction based on their native system


UX Design Intern


– 07.31.2022

16 Weeks

Skills Used

UX/UI Design

Interaction Design

Product Thinking

Market Research

Problem Solving


Tools Used


After effects



How might we start to build a multi-platform design framework to bring visual and experience cohesion across Outlook endpoints?


My scope

I’ve loked at Android, IOS, mac, monarch, and owa (Web version). The reason why I didn’t looked up win32 is, eventually Monarch will be replaced win32 outlook. So I don’t think I need to audit and think a new design solution for win32.

Deep Dive

Discover Problems

Our design is based on a business object and a survey of 25 people from Generation X. When designing the alpha version, and the essential parts were decorating their own map and sharing real-time locations with friends through GPS. These two parts were the most important to be designed, and alpha tests were conducted.

How to I prioritize the problems

Design Principle

Bridge between 

Design Principle

Why these are important?

My Impact




Ship full end to end flow within short period, collaborating with cross-functional partners across all stages from research, design to final solution. 

Created cohesion and strong integration by establishing design principles and delivering designs that can be applied to multiple platforms.

With a fresh eyes, analyzed and documented feature discrepancies & unexpected / undesired interactions across all of the platforms

Details, final design and final proposals are under an NDA.

Please reach out to me if you have any questions regarding my work!



01. Be pro-active, be bold and be creative!  

02. Understand business-wise and engineering-wise decision is important to understand the project!

03. Set the priorities and have a back up plan is essential for short-term project!

My Overall Experience

16 weeks were fulfilled with learning and experiencing new things and meeting amazing supportive people. Especially I loved the ‘learn and growth mind set’ company culture. Thanks to that, I could ask even little questions to expand my ideas and mind.