Service App Redesign


Project Overview

To enhance the process for users, the redesigned LinkedIn application focuses on the “job” section.

Pain Points

1.  Too many steps to access the main functions.
2.  Since a few of the main features are hidden, user can’t use the primary functions that users had not used before.
3.  Users cannot select various locations at once, so they need a lot of searches to get the desired results.

Target Users

People who looking for job.


87.5% of users were satisfied with the redesigned job page.

-What’s success?

  • Easy access
  • No hidden key functions
  • Features located at expectable locations
  • More informations with less tap
  • More expecatable and familiar steps

– What’s not success?

Too many inforamtion at one page


Case Study


UX/UI Designer
Individual Projuect


7 Weeks


Key Features - Before & After


Hidden Key Functions

  • Some users find it time-consuming to find the saved jobs.
  • The 3 steps are in an unexpected area.


1click - saved jobs

  • Based on user interviews. It is one of the most used features such that the user can now see saved jobs with only one click.


Less Friendly Interface

  • The saved job is also hidden, so it’s hard to see my saved job list.


1click - Use Key features

  • Designed based on business objectives, research, and user interviews. There are 4 key primary functions for LinkedIn users. I put them in front so that users can access them easily.


Limited Range

  • limited location range such that it applies to only one location.
  • The user can’t filer the location to initiate the search.


User Centered - Set location

  • The user can search the location without typing each city separately.

How ca we enhance the user experience on Linkedin,

specifically in the transition from job searching to securing a job?

Design Process

UX Research

Usability Heuristics​


Competitor Analyze

  • American business and employment-oriented online service
  • Independent service but when you apply for the jobs, it connects to the other websites.(indeed or their own page for apply)
  • Job searching, applyy jobs and networking
  • Create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce
  • Connect the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful
  • HR, Recruiter, applicant, (students), everyone in job market
  • linkedin premium is too expensive and it didn’t help a lot


  • Have wide networking enviromnet
  • Show insights from other users
  • Job searching, applyy jobs and networking
  • Interview questions
  • Show average salary


  • Too much spam massages
  • spam job postings
  • Job searching filtering system
  • Hard to remove resume or update resume
  • It’s too hard to read
  • They need to emphasize someting important info
  • Glassdoor is an American website where current and former employees anonymously review companies.
  • Glassdoor also allows users to anonymously submit and view salaries as well as search and apply for jobs on its platform
  • Independent service but when you apply for the jobs, it connects to the other websites.(indeed or their own page for apply)
  • Job searching, aply jobs and estimate salary
  • HR, Recruiter, applicant, (students)


  • Interview questions
  • Show average salary
  • Company culture reviews
  • Very easy to use and understand
  • To help people everywhere find a job and company they love


  • Can’t skip any option to add my school info or history info
  • Bad hierarchy at notification system

User Research

Understanding “WHY” users were struggling job apply

User Interview

I don’t know where to see ‘prepare the interview’ that I saw last time.”
“Where is the saved job section?”

“Can we search around one area? 

Do I have to search each city?

After task-based and general interviews with 5 Linkedin users, I got 4 big problems.
Focus on the ‘Job’ section, I’ve narrowed down 3 big problems that I need to improve.


Journey Map

The main target user in this research was the 20s and 30s, who mainly use LinkedIn for job searching and networking.  The representative user was conceived as both entry and senior level.

Design Opportunity / Challenges

Problem Statement

1. We need fewer steps to access the main functions.

2. To improve the user experience, adding a customizable part should be implemented.

3. Since a few of the main features are hidden, I can improve the use of primary functions that users had not used before.


Phase 1  Bridging Job Searching to Apply

Preference Test


  • Users prefer scrolling to touch.
  • When 3 items are filtered, the user needs up to 15 touches.
  • Users do not like so many touches.
  • Rather than accepting too much (diverse) information on one screen, they prefer to be slightly subdivided into large categories.

Overall Impact

In tacking bridging job searching to applying, I considered several options. After the defining stage, I moderated preference test. The main goal was to find out the functions users think are the most important and to design functions that could be used more comfortably.

Phase 2 Perfecting the Applying Flow

Defining interaction models


In defining the interaction model, the next step was designing a faster and more hassle-free process from the search to the application phase. I sketched out interaction models and detailed out every component of the system.

Concept Development

Access Main



my application

interview preparation

Hassle free access to the key features.

The existing LinkedIn site, where the main function was hidden, made it difficult for many users to access it. I created a quick and easy approach for users by exposing the primary function on the outside.


job search

filtering location

search location

filtering location

job list

Value less touch and more customization.

On the existing LinkedIn site, the user could search only one type of information at a time, and it exhausted users who had to search several times to get all the information they needed. It is now designed to bring as much information as possible to users all at once with a few touches as possible.


1 Job Main

I redesigned all the main functions (Jobs, Saved, My Applications, Prepare) to be accessible with a single touch.

2 Job Posting

To not give too much information on a small mobile screen, secondary information has been made scrollable horizontally.

3 Prepare an Interview

“Interview preparation,” one of the main functions of LinkedIn, can also be accessed immediately with a single touch.

4 Saved Jobs

User can find their saved job directly on the main page without any unnecessary steps


It is now designed to allow you to grasp at a glance what filtering options are available in accordance with those essential cases that require a lot of filtering.

6Location - Search and Add

In one search, the user can search for a job by selecting multiple places at once.

7Location - Map

When searching for a wide range of jobs, Users can use maps to select and search ranges.


#Tap Decreased

#10 people



#Fewer Steps

#10 people




#10 people



Users have given the site creators a rating of “excellent experience as they could

 access the areas they wanted without going through multiple steps.

“It was so comfortable to be able to search for multiple locations at once
“Unlike existing apps that could be filtered after searching, it is convenient to search and filter at the same time.
“It was difficult to find a place to prepare for an interview with the Ring-in app, but it is so good to easily find the necessary functions. I think I can use it more often.”

How I moderated to get this feedback?

1. Task based interview

Task 1

Can user successfully  solve the problem (Same task as user research and compare the results) 
: Search senior UX designer, North California, Company : Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Google

Task 2

Let’s find out where can you see the questions for interview preparation

2. Survey – Google forms (rating and short answer)

What I’ve learned

To make a great user-centered design, I realized that it is essential to understand certain issues (such as business objectives and users’ needs) and the nature of the desired service before conducting user research. I analyze the contents of the user interviews to discern the most important goals of the project.

My process is to analyze, design, and do a usability test or an A/B test. It is vital to listen to what the users prefer and why they prefer it as discovered in the usability or the a/b test, and then analyze it again. In the case of a particular project, this process has the most significant impact on my results.